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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Yeast Infection No More - Discover the beneficial effects of yeast!

Yeast Infection No More e-book written by Linda Allen here is some information about what is yeast,
Yeast , when used in small quantities, healthy and useful. One of the most important sources of vitamin B complex, and some research shows that it can help with easier forms of diabetes . Find out who you all the advantages of the use of yeast in an everyday kitchen

There are many types of fungi, and one of them is the consumption of yeast obtained by industrial production. Its main use is in the production of bread, which is used as an additive for the leavening in the production of beer , inducing precious fermentation and conversion of sugars into alcohol. These two applications are sufficient to all need and seek!Yeast is, moreover, one of the richest sources of vitamin B complex to be used for medicinal purposes. Yeast is studied so that it is even determined the genetic structure, or genome. Since yeast can get a very good protein (torutein) which were once prepared a plan to reduce hunger in world population, but there were a variety of technical problems, and is especially problematic was the absorption of the protein.
Article Resource by Linda Allen author of Yeast Infection No More.

The Latin name'' saharomyces'' came from'' mold'' on sugar, which means that it can grow successfully on all sugars and that these sugars can be broken down.But when broken down sugars meaning that occur as a byproduct gases - carbon dioxide, which allows, for example, loose dough .

His ability to ferment best two sugars - fructose and lactose, is used extensively in the fermentation industry. So, thanks to the fermentation receive some special sugars such as xylitol or exotic foods - red rice and fermented soybeans.

Most alcoholic beverages are obtained primarily through the process of fermentation of sugar by yeast, and certainly the most famous drink is beer.During the process of fermentation, under the influence of yeast creates the appropriate aroma characteristic of beer thanks to the emergence of a variety of fruity esters. When we say'' spirits'' referring to alcohol, which is a result of the conversion of sugar. Fermentation of rice that turns red under the influence other types of fungi -
Yeast from the health aspect

As for the health aspect, there is agreement that the yeast in small quantities, healthy and useful, especially when it comes to the deficit of vitamin B complex.However, users should be warned that the yeast is relatively difficult to digest and for repeated amounts can cause nasty cramps.

According to research medical center in Maryland, the yeast is rich in chromium, and vitamins B1, B2, B6 , nicotine acid and pantheistic acid. Therefore, it can help facilitate forms of diabetes because it regulates blood sugar. Yeast contains small amounts of vitamin B12, so it should be supplemented by eating meat.

It is known that the yeast used to treat high cholesterol and against adolescent pimple on the face.

Bakers and brewers yeast

In recent years, reports Science Daily, reports confirm that the yeast is used as an aid in the treatment of some forms of cancer. So two scientists School of Medicine in Los Angles revealed that the condition of mice with cancer after unprovoked inject-able solution yeast significantly improved.

Specifically, they found a strange phenomenon - the cancer cells die when they withdraw into yourself foods that contain yeast. In addition to numerous hypotheses to explain this phenomenon, the real explanation is still missing.Specifically, why would yeast, which is harmless to normal cells was so toxic for cancer cells that causes them to die?

Many wonder whether the differences between the baker and brewer's yeast.Namely, both descendants of the same yeast yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, so you could say he was a "close relatives." Bakers used to prepare the dough and producing loose (perforated) bread, and is used for malting barley fermentation mass produced beers. In fact, the same additive performs different actions.

Fermented beverages

Should be also noted that there are a number of fermented drinks , where yeast is added - for example, refreshing drink fermented apple juice (cider). And wine fermentation is carried out with the assistance of yeast.There the grape juice is rich in sugars converted to alcohol.

Yeast is sometimes not here to be added because it is already naturally presenting the skin of red grapes, but if there is not enough natural then added to pure cultures in order to speed up the process of fermentation. Wild yeast fermentation process can be run in the wrong direction, which of course can ruin the whole batch.

Since it is in bread, pastry and dough regularly find small amounts of yeast and the bread consumed daily for at least 2 to 3 times, he serves as one of the important sources of vitamin B. The vegetarian menu can be found on the basis of various portions of yeast, where most serves as a solid source of vitamin B complex and even small amounts of B12 and beta-glucan. yeast in such installments and serves as an excellent source of high-quality protein.

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