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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Muscle Gaining Secrets - Muscle Maximizer Review by Jason Ferruggia

Muscle Gaining Secrets program created by Jason Ferruggia - Since blood pressure venous system is low, it will does not automatically return to the heart from e.g. legs. Here, activation of the muscles of the leg press veins, thereby allowing the blood is transported through the vein. Inside in venenerne are periodically elastic flaps. These prevent the blood flowing back of the legs. This system called vene pumped. 50% of the blood is to continue in the vein system. Gravity tends to draw the blood from head. If the muscles around the veins in a longer period is not active, you can get out of that there is enough blood back to the heart and thus not to brain. He might faint due of too little oxygen supply to the brain, this is seen in who stands still for a long period. One should therefore not stand still for long time, but the move to ensure the transport of blood in the veins. This phenomenon is also known among pilots who are exposed to the so-called grafter. Untrained persons can handle 3-5g while trained to endure 10-12g in a shorter period, without fainting. Fortunately, nature wisely arranged so that when the stagnant person faints, ensuring the blood supply to brain again when gravity affects different on your body when you lie down. Blood from the right part of the heart in two pulmonary arteries, one for each lung, . Here oxygen intake and carbon dioxide emitted. Article research by Jason Ferruggia.

Thereafter, the blood on the pulmonary vein and back to the heart's left part. From there, the blood through the body's largest blood vessels - the aorta being put into the body where oxygen is now returned to the cells and carbon dioxide from cells are removed simultaneously with blood. The heart As mentioned above, it is the task of the heart pump blood around the body. The heart is on the size of a clenched fist and is located in the the center of the chest cavity. It is a hollow muscular, which inside is divided into two parts with a high partition longitudinally. You two parts are both arranged as a pump, which the right pumps blood through lungs (the small circuit), and the left pumps blood through the rest of the body (Its tore circuit). Each half of the heart is divided into two chambers with a per-chamber and the top chamber of a heart bottom. There is a connection between the atrium and ventricle through some flaps, ensures that the blood flow is always moved in the direction against heart chamber. Similar flaps are between each chamber of the heart and the artery that leads from it. Right heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs, where it gives carbon dioxide and takes up oxygen for more details visit our official website.

The blood now flows to the left half of the heart, which pumps it out in body. The two pumps always operate synchronously when the heart muscle contracts together. The heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients through his own blood. The muscle is supplied through the coronary arteries and capillaries. Although heart the rest is passed over by 5L blood each minutes, get heart muscle cells their oxygen supply through the coronary delicate matter. It is be fatal if this clogged. At rest the heart beats 60-70 beats per minute. minute (Pulse). It is enough that the body can get its oxygen tire at rest. If we start using muscle gaining secrets programe by for example, to run, do the body more oxygen, and heart immediately begins to beat faster and sends thereby more blood circulating in the body The number of heart beats per minute. minute is controlled by a nerve center in the brain.

The blood flow through the individual tissues and organs is not constant, but regulated by the nervous system. This is done by the smooth muscles in arteriolevæggene affected to either contracted or relaxed. This process happens respectively increase or decrease in blood flow. The cold will blood flow to the skin decreases in order to avoid heat loss in the heat opens skin capillaries so that the blood flow is increased, and the body get rid of heat. By eating a large meal to be digested, is the blood flow of the intestinal tissue greater. A person who has just eaten and then sunbathing at risk so that faint if he suddenly gets up and runs a short trip.

Respiratory System Lung primary role is to ensure a comfortable supply of oxygen from the atmosphere to the blood in close together with the heart and blood circulation. This ensures cell respiration. At the same time to carbon dioxide, which is a residue from cell respiration, dispose of blood and into the atmosphere. The airways When an inhalation air passes through airways to the lungs. On inhalation through the nose, the air will be heated and partially purified by filtering between nose hairs. From nose / mouth, the air passes through pharynx and the larynx on to the trachea. The air pipe has a mucosa with the flagella. Cilia hairs carrying automatic particles coming down the trachea up again. This is done by millions of tiny hairs performs synchronous movements. This causes a thin layer of mucus the adherent and unwanted particles up to pharynx. If you cough accelerated transport. In the trachea, the air is therefore further purified and also warmed up more, before it reaches the lungs. From the trachea Distribution of the air through the bronchi to the two lungs. Lungs The lungs have a very large internal surface (Approx. 90 m2 ). We have found in two lung chest cavity behind the ribs. The lungs are divided into many small airspace (Alveoli), all via a small Bronchiole is connected to the large trachea and the atmosphere. The walls of the alveoli are very thin and consisting only of a single thin layer of cells. You Bunch-shaped alveoli are surface covered with many small capillaries.

Through this short distance between the alveoli and capillary, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the blood to the atmosphere, respectively, and vice. Breathing A breathing is done by increasing the chest cavity volume. This is done by either raise the chest using muscles between the ribs, or by surface the diaphragm out, possibly. both at the same time. These movements increases the volume of the thoracic cavity. When the volume of the thoracic cavity is increased, Lung also increased. This leads to there is negative pressure in the lungs and the air retracted. On exhalation of the respiratory muscles relax, whereby the chest cavity gets its start volume back.

This forced the air out again. Exhalation is So often a passive process. The total volume in the lungs is different exercises from person to person. Lung vary from 3-7 liters. The volume depends in part of sex and body size. We breathe at rest about. 1/2 liters of air per. breath and breathing around. 15 times per second. minute. If we expose the body to one or some kind of physical work required more oxygen to the muscles. In such a situation we compensate by taking more and deeper breaths. By hard work can breathing getting up to 45 times per second. minutes with 4 L per. time. This means that air exchange (pulmonary ventilation) per. minutes increased from 7.5 L to 180 L. Exchange of gases About 21% of the air we breathe is oxygen. The rest of the atmospheric air is predominantly nitrogen (78%), also a little steam, carbon dioxide (0.03%) and a few other gases The air we exhale, is largely composed as the we breathe, but there is a little less oxygen (About 17%) and slightly more carbon dioxide (about 4%). The walls of the alveoli and capillaries are very thin. Oxygen may in this way diffusing the air from the lung into the blood stream of capillaries. Carbon dioxide diffuses in the opposite direction, namely from a large concentration in blood the lumen of the lungs. Muscular System Muscles is approx. 40% of the body weight. Muscle tissue is made up of elongate cells have the ability to pull together. With the help of muscles and bones, our body movement. Skeleton forms and supports body. The bones of the skeleton are put together in joints. This "design" enables us to know can move, as the muscles, by means of inelastic tendons are attached to the bones of the two sides of a part. In order to movements in part can be performed, the muscles around the joint organized so that the muscles of the one side by contraction joint bends, while the muscles on the other hand, it extends, when the contraction. There is thus no muscles, which actively stretched but only muscles, which actively shortened. Skeletal muscle All the muscles that move our skeleton called skeletal muscles or striated muscles. The cells are on average 30 mm long, but may in some cases be up to 30-40 cm long. A muscle is a bundle of muscle fibers held form of connective tissue. Most of these muscle fibers runs along the entire muscle, ie. that cell in the long muscles of the thigh is up to 40 cm. The thickness of such a fiber 10 times thinner than a hair. It is this difference in the thickness of the fibers, together with the number of fibers that gives the muscles of the body their different cross-sectional areas and hence their different strengths. The muscle cells are a large number of filaments, which is composed of protein. Some of these devices are thick, they are composed of the protein myosin, some are thin, they are composed of the protein actin. They are arranged so that the muscle appears striated Viewed in the light microscope. Actin filaments from both sides are attached on a protein cross bands between them is so the thick myosin filaments When a muscle contraction, one can see the light microscope, the myosin filaments slipping in between actin filaments. This is the overlap between the two types of filaments greater. It comes closest to that merges his fingers. A second comparison may be that the small side branches of the molecules extending out from the myosinet, depicting veins extending from one kayak. "Grain" in this case is to fastheftet activation molecule. When "beets" moves veins myosinet will move into the aktinmolekylerne. There is a limit to how much a muscle can be shortened, namely when the two types filaments do not overlap more. Has also a limit to how much a muscle can stretched, until the filaments are not longer have contact with each other (Rupture). The force of the muscle can exert the maximum when filaments are in the central position with respect to overlapping ie. the muscle is neither completely stretched or fully retracted. The body during the work So that we can work with our muscles, first of all we have the energy supplied. This Energy derived from the diet. By combustion in the cells energy is released in the form of the substance ATP. Combustion requires that oxygen is available in the cells, since the process is an Respiration: Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy. The body must, when we begin to work adapt to the new situation. Firstly, the oxygen supply is preferably equal to The oxygen in the muscles. It is done by the volume of air we are moving in and out of the lungs in the course of one minute is increased. This airflow called ventilation. The energy to do physical work in our the body is supplied in the form of the substance, ATP, which is the energetic connection, the energy in our diet be transferred to, before it can be used in muscles. Condition number is defined as the maximum oxygen uptake in ml / kg / min. Red and white muscle fibers It's not just fitness, which determines the type of sport, you can be good at. There is also another factor at play, namely one muscle fiber composition. This is congenital, and it is not possible to change the it. Our muscles contain two different kinds of fibers, namely fast, white fibers (type II) and Slow red fibers (type I). The red is used predominantly at work is long lasting, and which is not a maximum. The white fibers sets in when the work is hard and requires a high power for a short time. The two types of fibers called such because they microscope sees respectively red and white. Both cell types may make both respiration and, if necessary, lactic acid fermentation. They then just their individual skills. The fiber composition of a The average person is such that approx. half is red and half white, with a small predominance of red fibers in women and white in men. The individual muscle groups varies However, the composition of the same person. Muscles of the back to keep the upper body upright all day, consists predominantly of red fibers, while the calf muscle, which is used for fast, short sales, consisting primarily of white fibers. There are distinct differences in fiber composition of practitioners of different sports. It should not be taken as indicate that different training methods changing fiber composition. Rather, it is a sign that elite athletes are the best in the sport where their innate fiber composition and other conformation gives them the best chance. The fiber composition may pose no changed by training

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